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Dosbarth Chwech

Croeso i Dosbarth Chwech
Welcome to Year 6        

 St Bernadette
Our class saint's Feast day is on the 16th of April.
St. Bernadette Soubirous was a simple and humble peasant girl from Lourdes, France, who witnessed a series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in 1858.
Her story has captured the hearts of many people around the world and has become a symbol of hope, faith, and perseverance.
Bernadette's simple act of digging in the ground and praying for sinners led to the miraculous appearance of the Lourdes water, which has brought healing and comfort to millions of people.
She is also the patron saint of bodily illness, poverty, people ridiculed for their piety, and shepherds.
 To this day, her body has not been corrupted by death. She rests in peace in a glass and gold coffin, in a church in Nevers, France.


Dyma Ni! Here we are!

Blended Learning

  Follow this link to Google classroom.  This is where most of our online learning takes place.



 Termly Newsletter

   Please download our Termly Newsletter - see link below.


Homework Bingo

   These are the activities you can complete each week in order to earn a reward at the end of term.

   Click on the link below.

   The above links are also in the Google Classroom and tasks can be saved on this site.