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Welcome – Croeso

Welcome to St. David’s R.C. Primary school’s website, where you can discover a flavour of our school and the learning opportunities that we provide for our children. 

St. David’s is a Catholic family where we live out our mission: ‘Learning, loving, laughing, following the footsteps of Jesus’ on a daily basis.  Together, we explore the message of Jesus, aiming to provide a high quality Christian education based on the teachings of Christ in the Gospels.

At St. David’s the well-being of our children is paramount; we provide a warm, welcoming, caring ethos where our children can be happy, thrive and succeed.  Our aim is for every child to succeed, to achieve their full potential, to become confident and considerate young individuals.  In order to achieve this we form effective home-school partnerships where parents and carers are encouraged to become involved in the life of the school and be an integral part of the child’s learning journey.

We are incredibly fortunate to have a team of dedicated, experienced teachers and support staff who work superbly together to create the best possible learning experiences for our children.  The team expect high standards for all of our children; our whole school approaches ensure that children learn in a friendly, safe and supportive environment.

Please take the time to explore our website and read the prospectus to find out more about life at St. David’s.  If you would like to come and see the school for yourself then please arrange a visit with the school office. 

I look forward to welcoming you and your children to our school family. 

Mrs Learne Harris