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School Governors play an important role in the life of our school.  They are responsible for the strategic development and direction of the school.  An effective governing body acts is a ‘critical friend’ and works closely in a supportive way with the Head Teacher and school staff. The governing body sets the strategic direction of the school, sets out policies which are implemented by the Head Teacher and staff in addition to overseeing the school budget. The governing body is also responsible for setting and monitoring targets for pupil achievements at specific key stages and   monitors the progress of the school in meeting these targets. 

Governors fall into a number of categories:

  • Foundation Governors:  These are members of the parish community who are recommended by the parish priest and Archdiocese.
  • LA Governors: These are appointed by the Local Authority (LA)
  • Parent Governors: These are parents of children in school who are elected by the parent body.
  • Teacher/Staff Governors: These are members of staff elected by the teaching and support staff.
  •  Head Teacher: The Head Teacher is a member of the Governing body and reports about the school’s activities, performance, staff development and budget related issues.

Our current Governors are:

  • Chair person: Father Daniel Stanton
  • Foundation Governors: Mrs Lynne Roberts, Mrs Clare Jones & Mrs Deborah Spence
  • Parent Governors: Mrs Rebecca Clayton
  • Teacher/Staff Governors: Mrs Donna Squirrel & Miss Hayley Best
  • Head Teacher: Mrs Learne Harris